Media release

Aggravated Assualt - Angurugu


Angurugu Police arrested a 22-year-old man this morning in relation to an aggravated assault overnight.

It is alleged the offender attended the victims home at about 9:00pm last night and was involved in a verbal altercation in the front yard. During the argument the offender has thrown a spear at the 35-year-old male victim, striking him in the chest.

The offender then fled the scene.

The victim was conveyed to Alyangula Health Clinic last night and has since been airlifted to Royal Darwin Hospital where he remains in a stable condition.

Police arrested the offender at about 10:00am this morning and expect to charge him later this afternoon.

Senior Sergeant Lee Morgan would like to thank the members of the community that assisted in locating the male.

"We appreciated the assistance from members of the public; their help resulted in the quick apprehension of this offender" he said.

Rickie Scoot

8985 8837

0458 307 870