Media release

Police refute crime wave criticism – Alice Springs


Police Commander Anne-Marie Murphy has come out in support of Alice Springs police following scathing criticism from the shadow minister for Central Australia Matt Conlon MLA.

Mr Conlon called for a police taskforce to be deployed from Darwin to deal with the "crime wave" sweeping through the town.

"I find these statements to be an insult to our hard-working and professional serving members," Commander Murphy said

"For instance, we know that there are a relatively small number of offenders responsible for a large number of unlawful entries in this town. Our Intelligence Reports have identified those premises repeatedly targeted by offenders and we regularly run special operations to disrupt this behaviour and arrest those responsible.

" As recently as the last week police have been running a special operation targeting just this sort of offending. This operation has resulted in eight arrests for unlawful entry during the week, and a further two last night. The two arrested last night were caught trying to unlawfully enter the Memorial Club which had been targeted on numerous occasions. Police undertaking surveillance of the premises arrested the pair in the act of breaking in.

"While we try to reassure the community by advising them of these results as they occur, at the start of this operation we made a strategic decision not to publicise results until it was completed so as not to tip off offenders.

"As for Mr Conlon's remarks that this would not be tolerated in Darwin, let me say these offences are not tolerated in Alice Springs either, and that is why we have been using extra police resources from remote communities, general duties, Regional Investigations Division, crime scene and intelligence officers in our efforts to stop the repeat offending.

'We also continue to work with other agencies to ensure our resources are utilised in the best manner. For Mr Conlon to suggest deploying police from Darwin would solve this spate of offending is also ludicrous and I can assure him that the people on the ground dealing with these investigations are dedicated police officer who live in this community and have a personal stake in ensuring Alice Springs is a safe place to raise their families."

Commander Murphy said police had also been pro-active in requesting bail conditions when offenders were put before the courts.

"Not only do we put these repeat offenders before the courts, but we ensure that strict bail conditions are called for and the baillees are regularly monitored. "

Commander Murphy said a comprehensive media release would be issued at the completion of the operation advising the community of the results.

The offenders arrested last night are a 14-year-old boy who has been charged with criminal damage and trespass and a 15 year-old boy who will be considered for Youth Diversion. The 14-year-old has been bailed to appear on February 2 in the Youth Justice Court.

Media Contact
Theresa Kuilboer
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